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Math sees a greater divergence in the expectations between Grade 2 and Grade 3 students.  While the strands remain constant – Number Sense and Numeration, Measurement, Geometry and Spatial Sense, Patterning and Algebra and finally Data Management and Probability, Grade 3s are expected to complete slightly more difficult problems and work with slightly larger numbers. For example, by the end of Grade 2, students should be able to count to 100 without difficulty, whereas by the end of Grade 3, students should be able to count to 1000.


As with Language, my goal is ensure that all students not only meet the expectations found in the curriculum but seek to go beyond grade level toward their optimum potential. Students will have time to complete all assigned work in class, but will have to complete any unfinished work at home.


Click here for Ontario's Math Curriculum document

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Update: November 9, 2014

We've begun our Measurement using by familiarizing ourselves with the collection of physical data by measuring ourselves and items in our classroom using standard (metric) and non-standard (hands, steps) units. We've since moved on to Perimeter. In the coming days we'll be exploring Area, Capacity, Time and Temperature.




Update: November 9, 2014

Our brief Fraction unit went very well. Students have all but mastered division of objects into equal parts required by the curriculum. We deal with Fractions on a daily basis, so students will have plenty of opportunity to develope their understanding in greater detail.

Update October 26, 2014

To my great amazement and delight, we've blown through the very short grade 2 and 3 fraction unit. The curricular expectations for fractions are quite limited, but we've practiced "dividing whole objects and sets of objects into equal parts and identiying these parts using fractional names (one half, two-thirds, etc)". We've even gone beyond the curriculum document and used numbers in standard fractional notation ( 1/2, 2/3, etc) to describe these equal parts. We'll spend another couple days practicing to ensure we've perfected our understanding of and ability to represent and describe fractions

Update October 17, 2014

This week we started looking at Fractions! On Thursday we looked for Fractions in every day things (pizza, puzzles, time, money, Lego) and used multi-coloured manipulatives (small rubber toys in an array of shapes) to make our own fractions at our tables. On Friday we started answering questions involving fractions, counting both the total number of pieces (the denominator) and the number of shaded pieces (the numerator). We even made our own questions to challenge our classmates!


Data Management and Probabily

We've started our year with a look at Data Management, specifically Venn Diagrams and various Graphs.  We've learned to create and read Venn Diagrams, examining how we represent similarities and differences.


We moved from Venn Diagrams to Pictographs as per the Ontario curriculum. We have learned to use a Pictograph's key to unlock the information they contain. We have created our own pictographs using information we have collected.

Update October 6, 2014

Our work with bar graphs is going very well! Each student completed their bar graph based on the data they collected. We discussed these graphs as a class, celebrating our successes and noting areas that require improvement. We are continuing to hone our skills by working in pairs on even more complicated bar graphs. Below are some examples of our individual graphs.

Update: October 1, 2014

We have collected our primary data and will begin working on creating our very own bar graphs to be displayed outside of our room



Update: September 26, 2014

We have begun to compare Pictographs to Bar Graphs. Each one of us has chosen a question we will ask our fellow classmates. As per the curriculum documents, students will use this questions to " collect and organize categorical or discrete primary data and display the data"  (Grade 2 - page 51, Grade 3 - page 63) in a pictograph or bar graph. We will begin this activity on Monday, September 29th.

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