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From Seed to Plant

(Our Red Kidney Bean Science Experiment)


To observe plant growth from dry bean to living breathing plant



We predict that if we provide the bean a moist environment it will germinate and if we provide the germinated seed with sunlight, water and soil it will grow into a healthy bean plant



Dried kidney beans

Brown paper towel

Plastic cup





Stage 1

Moisten a small wad of brown paper towel and place it in the bottom of the plastic cup. Place 3 or 4 kidney beans on the paper towel. Moisten another wad of paper towl and gently set it atop the kidney beans. Track the progress of the beans over the next two days, recording data and drawing the bean as it developes


Stage 2

Gently remove the bean and it's developing roots from the brown paper towel. Remove the remaining paper towel from the plastic cup. Put a layer of small pebbles at the bottom of the plastic cup for drainage. Fill the remainder of the cup with soil. Dig a small hole for each bean. Drop a bean in each hole and gently cover the bean. Track the progress of the bean plant's growth measuring its growth and drawing the plant as it developes.







We started with regular ol' Red Kidney Beans. They've been sitting in my kitchen for at least the last 2 years.

After one day our beans were much larger, were lighter in colour and a few had developed a white "tail"

After the Thanksgiving long-weekend, our beans, still in the brown paper towl had developed further, sprouting roots, a stem and tiny leaves. 

Having transplanted the germinated seed into soil on Thursday, the plants immediately started to grow. After only one day, some of our plants had grown up to 10 cm tall. (Friday October 17th)

By only that afternoon, 

our plants had developed further! The leaves had very noticably increased in size and definition

After a few more days of sunlight, water and good soil our plants continue to flourish. Some of reached 20cm tall and have begun to sprout new stems. 

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